
A list of resources related to the Camino de Santiago, split into primary sources, secondary works, and web resources.

Primary Sources

Canivez, Joseph-Marie, ed. Statuta Capitulorum Generalium Ordinis Cisterciensis, 8 vols. Louvain: Bureaux de la Revue, 1933-41.

Díaz y Díaz, Manuel, et al., ed. and trans. Hechos de Don Berenguel de Landoria, arzobispo de Santiago [Gesta Berengarii]. Santiago de Compostela: University of Santiago de Compostela, 1983. Latin edition with facing translation in Castilian.

Falque, Emma, ed. and trans. Historia Compostelana. Madrid: Ediciones Akal, 1994.

González Balasch, María Teresa, ed. Tumbo B de la Catedral de Santiago. Santiago de Compostela: Edicios do Castro, 2004.

Secondary Sources

Brodman, James. Charity and Religion in Medieval Europe. Washington D.C.: Catholic University of America Press, 2009. See esp. Chapter 3: “To Shelter the Pilgrim: Military Orders, Hospices, and Bridges.” 

D’Emilio, James, ed. and trans. Culture and Societyin Medieval Galicia: A Cultural Crossroads at the Edge of Europe. Leiden: Brill, 2015.

López Alsina, Fernando. La Ciudad de Santiago de Compostela en la Alta Edad Media. Santiago de Compostela: Ayuntamiento de Santiago de Compostela, Centro de Estudios Jacobeos, Museo Nacional de las Peregrinaciones, 1988.

López Ferreiro, Antonio. Historia de la Santa A.M. Iglesia de Santiago de Compostela. 11 vols. Santiago: Imp. y Enc. del Seminario Conciliar Central, 1898-1909. [Volumes 1-7 concern the Middle Ages].

Moralejo, Serafín, and Fernando López Alsina, eds. Santiago, Camino de Europa: Culto y Cultura en la Peregrinación a Compostela. Santiago de Compostela: Xunta de Galicia, 1993.

Portela Silva, Ermelindo. Diego Gelmírez (c. 1065-1140): El báculo y la ballesta. Madrid: Marcial Pons Historia, 2016.

———, ed. Historia de la ciudad de Santiago de Compostela. Santiago de Compostela: Concello de Santiago, Consorcio de Santiago, Universidade de Santiago de Compostela, 2003.Rucquoi, Adeline. Mille fois à Compostelle: Pèlerins du Moyen Âge. Realia 30. Paris: Les Belles Lettres, 2014.

Soraluce Blond, José Ramón. Cascos históricos de Galicia. La Coruña: Arenas Publicaciones, 2011.

Villa-amil y Castro, José. Iglesias gallegas de la Edad Media. Madrid: Imprenta de San Francisco de Sales, 1904.

Web Resources

Archivium Sancti Iacobi: A blog maintained by the Cathedral Archive of Santiago de Compostela. [Castilian]

¡Buen Camino!: A project run by Google Arts & Culture with guidance for pilgrims, images, and informational articles. [English]

Diccionario Biográfico, Real Academia de la Historia: Biographical entries on important Spanish figures. [Castilian]

Gallaeciae Monumenta Historica: A project devoted to studying, editing, and publishing materials relevant to Galician history. [Primarily Galician]

Mapping the Way of St. James: Interactive map with layers illustrating the built environment along the Camino; the website complements Sean T. Perrone and Carol Traynor, “Mapping the Way of St. James: GIS Technology, Spatial History, and the Middle Ages” Church History and Religious Culture 101: 1 (2021): 3-32. [English]

Medieval Spain: The Camino de Santiago: A site maintained by Fordham University’s Center for Medieval Studies. The university runs an annual study abroad course between León and Santiago, with accompanying blog posts. [English]

Museo das Peregrinacións e de Santiago: Website for Santiago’s pilgrimage museum. [Galician and Castilian]

Rocha Forte: Interactive website devoted to the castle of Rocha Forte, near Santiago de Compostela. [Galician, Castilian, and English]

Virtual Reconstruction of the Cathedral of Santiago de Compostela, as it would have appeared in 1211: Led by John Dagenais (UCLA). Watch a video explanation of the project here. [English]

Xacopedia: An online encyclopedia with entries on people, places, and terms related to the Camino de Santiago. [Castilian]